

You can make a donation directly to the horse rescue using any of the links below

Via the PayPal Giving Fund


Search for Penny Ha’Penny Horse and click donate

Horse rescue - image of Penny hapenny horse and pony rescue paypal Just Giving fund

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)


Click on the link above, under “find a charity” enter “penny ha’penny horse and pony rescue” in the search box. Click the appropriate ‘Donate‘ button, select payment method and continue.

Horse rescue - image link to Charities aid foundation for Penny hapenny horse and pony rescue


Payable to Penny Ha’Penny Horse & Pony Rescue

Send to: 37 Knapp way, Malvern, Worcs, WR14 1SG

Every penny donated is spent on the horses care and field rent, everything from hay, straw, and shortfeed to vet and farrier bills. We have no employees.

Horse rescue - image of a cheque