Year round
We have field rent and/or water to pay across the various sites
Costs an average £8.00 a pony/horse every 8 to 10 weeks
This costs £20 per pony/horse.
Hooves are trimmed as and when needed by the farrier, he regularly visits to trim the hooves of those that need it at any given time, sometimes it might be the front feet only, others the back feet. There is no set schedule as the horses live as naturally as possible.
As and when needed, and also when ponies first arrive. The call out fee applies each time plus any treatment and medication they receive.
The following costs apply year round but increase significantly in the winter
Short feed
This is the cereal, sugarbeet, chaff/alfalfa, mash, and any additives i.e. Garlic, Oil, and Molasses. This is fed to the more in need or elderly amongst our animals. During the summer we spend an average of £20 a week but in winter this increases to £65. More is needed in winter as there is less grass available to graze.
This is mostly used in winter to bed down the stables so the ponies who need extra care can be in, protected from the elements, and have somewhere soft to lie. It is used in summer on an ad-hoc basis. The cost in winter for Straw is £21 a week (winter 2020/21)
By far our biggest expense is hay. Hay is fed from October until May dependent on the weather and on the particular horses in various fields. Some fields need hay sooner and will need it for longer. Better weather helps the spring grass grow quicker so less hay is needed and vice versa. Hay for horses is used for feed, their internal central heating and they like to stand on it to get out of the mud in high traffic and feeding areas. We buy the horses hay from several different suppliers and in different sized bales according to the location where it is delivered. The average cost of hay per year is £10,000, this is weather dependent, a colder and wetter winter means more hay whereas a dry winter with an early spring means the grass grows back sooner and less hay is needed.
Ad hoc costs through the year are for…
Salt links
Mineral licks
After winter we have to straighten up the fields, help them to level out, and promote the growth of the spring grass, this comes with its own costs for work such as;
Old hay/muck clearance
Chain harrowing
Scrape yard of debris
New grass seed
Throughout the year we have fence repairs to do, this can come in the form of;
Electric fencing
Post and wire
Post and stock fencing
The costs for this vary depending on the type of fencing needed, the equipment needing to be replaced, and whether or not we can do repairs ourselves or have to hire in help.
Other costs that can arise on an occasional basis are for equipment, and items such as;
Electric fencer units (£60each)
Tape for electric fence
We also have to replace
Lead ropes
Feed buckets
Feed scoops
Dustbins for feed storage
First aid kits and bandages
We receive donations for several items but these aren’t always the right size for what is needed at the time so we have to buy them instead but we always appreciate of all donations received.
To support us and provide for the horses please click the donate button…