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9 May 2021 | 0 Comments

Izzy is Ruby’s Mum, much of her arrival story is told in Ruby’s.

Izzy was a catalyst for the second wave of Sling Lane rescues. Izzy had foaled Ruby in her previous home but the foal was stolen from her by the owner so she could raise her at home, as a pet. When we received the call to help Ruby we asked fro Izzy too. The plan was to reunite mare and foal.

Sue and the Vet (Pete) spent hours trying to help Ruby reconnect with Izzy so she could raise her properly, unfortunately as much as both ponies wanted to be bonded Ruby has lost the ability to suckle so could not feed naturally. Izzy really struggled to come to terms with not being able to feed the foal. The almost impossible decision was made to separate the two, meaning Ruby would have to be bottle raised and Izzy would return to the herd to recover from foaling and dry-up, reducing the risk of further health complications.

Izzy is a lovely confident pony although sometimes reserved. She found a loan home as a companion and was well looked after until she was no longer needed as a companion and came back to the rescue.

Izzy’s good looks and confidence meant she found a second loan home and went to a home with Dolly. This home absolutely worshipped the two of them and cared for them beautifully, unfortunately when the loan home owner’s wife became ill, her poor health meant he could no longer dedicate the time he wanted to care for the ponies. Bothe Dolly and Izzy were returned to the rescue.

Izzy and Dolly are best friends and are part of Taboo’s little herd.

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