Posted By Penny Ha'penny
9 May 2021 |
This beautiful pony came into the rescue as part of the second wave of Sling Lane rescues.
Terrified of people but hungry, she would come over for food and then run away. We believe at some point she was broken to ride and trusted people but this trust was broken in the worst possible way. It has been reported to us that all of the Sling Lane ponies were regularly hit by the owners and their children, chased with sticks and dogs. That sort of thing would explain why she has decided to keep a safe distance even after all this time. Starlight has her good and bad days, sometimes wanting fuss but others not coming anywhere near people.
Starlight will likely live out her days with us unless a very patient and experienced home came around. Currently part of our big herd, being fed, wormed and cared for but allowed her own space.
It is really sad but sometimes a pony’s past treatment is just too bad for them to overcome. Time will tell but for now she is happy and healthy without a need for people.
Ceiriad (white horse) with Starlight the Tuesday morning after we were called. Starlight now, with Paddy
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